What is StackHawk?

Modern Dynamic Application Security Testing

StackHawk tests your running applications, services, and APIs for security vulnerabilities that your team has introduced as well as exploitable open source security bugs.

Automated Security Testing in CI/CD

Automated test suites in CI/CD are the norm for today’s engineering teams. Why should application security be any different? StackHawk is built to check for vulnerabilities in your pipeline.

Built for Developers, Trusted by Security

Built for developers is more than a tagline. It is the ethos of StackHawk. Application security has shifted left and developers need a tool for reviewing and fixing security findings.

Find and Fix Vulnerabilities Faster

With StackHawk, application security can keep up with the pace of today’s engineering teams. Find vulnerabilities at the pull request and quickly push out fixes, all while yesterday’s security tools are waiting for someone to kick off a manual scan.